It can transcribe many different formats, detecting the audio in MP3, WAV, M4A, MP4, MOV, AVI, and other file types, then translating the transcription into hundreds of different languages. One of my favorite features on the Google Translate mobile app is instant camera translation, which allows you to see the world in your language by just pointing your camera lens at the foreign text. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms. Traductor Con el traductor gratuito online de EL MUNDO puedes traducir al instante palabras y frases de inglés, francés, italiano, alemán y portugués. Google Translate allows you to explore unfamiliar lands, communicate in different languages, and make connections that would be otherwise impossible. VEED! And it doesn’t just convert audio files into text. Click ‘Subtitles,’ select ‘Auto Subtitles,’ set the language to Spanish, hit ‘Start’ and hey presto The transcript will magically appear. Inglés monolingüe : English Learners Dictionary Sinónimos ingleses : WordReference English Thesaurus Gramática y uso. Free online translator enhanced by dictionary definitions, pronunciations.