Most importantly, though, is Liss’ ability to capture Spider-Man to a tee.

Throughout the story, you really begin to feel for Peter and wonder if the glory of being a superhero is even worth it in the first place. As things culminate to a climax, you see that Peter Parker’s life is absolutely chaotic, all thanks to his Spider-Man alter ego. In many ways, author David Liss’ goal seems to be to humanize Spider-Man and show that he’s not just superhuman in a suit he’s got his own personal life, too. The life of Spideyīefore all that happens, the novel winds the clock back to set up Spider-Man for the present situation. And with the trailers from 2016 and onward, you begin to pick up the pieces of what’s going on: Peter’s been Spider-Man for a few years now, something’s up with Wilson Fisk (the Kingpin), and at some point, all the supervillains in the maximum security prison break out. The game’s been building itself up for a few years now.

Marvel’s Spider-Man: Hostile Takeover, sent to us by Titan Books, builds the world of this new Spider-verse that gives us more insight into Spidey’s life before the PS4 game takes place. So what happens when you make a Marvel novel meant to act as a sequel to a video game? You get something purely enjoyable for anybody who enjoys a good amount of backstory. We’ve seen him countless times in movies and videos games, and even novels. The amazing Spider-Man is a great Marvel Comics staple. By Mia Johnson 4 years ago David Liss’ Spider-Man: Hostile Takeover acts as a prequel to the PS4 video game, and it’ll get you amped to discover more about this Spider-verse.